Checkout Our Client Success Stories Below:

A great place to be

Money aside for a moment, the value of the instruction, the deep library of incredible interviews, the software that gets my head in the game learning the numbers - it's all a fantastic value. The inner circle is the way to go as there is a community of friendly, professional, like-minded people on each end of the spectrum (beginner to advanced) learning and sharing their real estate investing journeys and tips.

Chalo Hancock

The rehab validator software is

The rehab validator software is fantastic for putting together concise and pertinent presentations on real estate deals.

It allows you to quickly analyze a deal and print off presentations for your banks and money partners.

It’s a pleasure to use and I’d highly recommend it to anyone looking to raise capital!

Zach Greenwald
Hummingbird Realty Partners Inc.


During my brief navigation, I found so much that will be helpful to advancing and growing my business. Especially as a sole proprietor, I need all the help I can get right now getting started. Comps are easier, advertising to my buyers will make me look very professional. All of the support videos with every little detail even if I need to speak with a person really puts me at ease with my purchase. Thanks!

Jonathan Johnson

Rehab Valuator Works Wonders!

Using Rehab Valuator helped me find a buyer using the property marketing report inside Rehab Valuator Premium!!

By sending the detailed report with complete detailed property info, accurate comparables and pictures. This allowed my company to net this $26k profit on just one deal!

I highly recommend Rehab Valuator to any real estate wholesaler, fix and flipper, novice or experienced investor!

Clyde Cook III

Learning Rehab valuator

My husband and I are completing wholesaling 101! We love it. It has taught us so much. We love that there are videos on each section of rehab valuator. Just in case you get stuck on something you can look at a video to help you.

Allison Winfield
Winfield housing solutions

Grand Slam!!

Daniil, you have hit it out of the park. Rehab Valuator makes it so easy to produce different reports for presentations, and the reports are professional looking, the best of any I have seen.

Kevin Decker

No Doubts

Very appreciative. Thank you Daniil for your vision and hardwork and committment to this industry and me. πŸ™‚
I recall the early stages of by chance meeting and beginning a long term relative alliance. I was all in upon your concept for sure. Thanks again for all that you do.

The opportunity for me and my company is a no brainer choice. I have been in this industry for 35 years or more and the software cuts a tremendous amount of time out of my efforts to determine if a project is going to be a viable project. There is so much to appreciate about the well thought out system you share with us. Certainly will continue to utilize the access, as we work diligently to continue to learn the total benefits. Learning is fun and your support has been phenomenal. Stay loyal to your process and we wish you and all the folk you are blessed to have around you continued happiness and fulfillment of you genuine effort to empower others. Thanks again for all that you do. FHF Resource Resolutions Inc and its purpose has been placed in a core success group of alliance in this industry because of a tool we have Rehab Valuator. πŸ™‚

Larnce Murvin Jr.

Rehab Valuator software

Using the premium version of the software I am constantly analyzing deals on a daily basis. The user-friendly web version is a breeze to quickly know if the house is a deal or not. Along with the comparable sales feature, it is easy to finalize the offer price. In the last two months of using the software, I have been able to find, analyze, and purchase one rental property and have two more under contract today (8-12-22). I'm aggressively trying to build a portfolio that will end up retiring me from my W2 job, something I have been looking forward to for many years now.

Richard T McFarland
RTTHM Properties, LLC

Works Great for me.

I grabbed this program because it answers all my needs. I own a REI company, a Construction Company and I'm a Private Money Broker. I haven't gotten to use it's full capability yet but I put it to work right away for double checking my new home going up shortly plus prepare my own presentation on the same project I need funding for. I'm really looking forward to diving deeper into it when this project gets rolling.

I just came back to REI in Sept. 2021 and so much has changed just in 4-5 years and I was getting overwhelmed trying all these different sites to handle everything in one place. So far it looks like it will do the job fairly easy. I'll be able to use it to help analyze my clients proposal's to evaluate their deals.

I've been following True Vision Analytics for some time now but sold myself short and Daniil. For me it was I don't know anything about analytics and for True Vision it would all be above my head. I'm a old school carpenter so if it didn't involve a nail I just wouldn't get it. I only had to make 1 call to support to get the help I needed.

So thank you Daniil for all your efforts that has gone into REHAB VALUATOR it made this old man's life much easier.

Thomas E Walsh


I used the rehab evaluator to secure a loan on an apartment complex in OK. The Bank gave me a loan of $1.5MM to acquire the property and also remodel it. The loan required only 10% down!

Fred Wigley

I finished Module 1 (A

I finished Module 1 (A to J) it contained great information, but at the same time made me laugh and smile. Look forward to the next module.
Thanks again

Danny Harris

Hi Dan,I am new in

Hi Dan,

I am new in your Program. I found it very valuable and interesting naturally, it's pragmatic.
I am very pleased being a member with your program especially you, being such a wonderful mentor.
Your materials are very useful, concise and No BS. Thank you for your assistance. I appreciate it.
Looking forward to working with you soonest.



Felisa Baker
Lislor and Associates

Amazing software and education

Rehab Valuator is amazing. I love the software. When I have questions I can watch a video and I don't have to wait for a call back. I love the development course too. So much great information. Danill is a great guy! When I got started developing it was hard to find any information. Danill's development course is a no brainer.

Josue Velney

LOVE this Software and Daniil provides SO much value!

Not only is the training great and constantly being updated, the software is right in line with the same mission! This has been one of the best investments of software I ever made and has proved itself invaluable many times over. It has not only helped tremendously for my rehab projects but it has assisted in scoring private lenders(TRUE private lenders not "private" hard money lenders) as well as being a great software for wholesaling presentations to cash buyers. I love the new comps update and I am amazed at how often the software and education are updated.

Thank you Daniil for taking the time to keep your service at top notch so we can continue to have value in what we purchased!

Joshua Heckle

I can't wait for you to build a model for large commercial acquisitions

I have been a REHAB VALUATOR subscriber for a few years now, though I do not do anything with residential. It is evident that there has been a tremendous amount of thought that has gone into the program, and this appears to be an outstanding solution for residential and small commercial deals. My partners and I focus on larger shopping center acquisitions, with multiple loans and even multiple exit periods. I would love to see REHAB VALUATOR continue to grow to eventually offer something that I can use for larger deals! Keep up the great work. Excellent product and service.

Ryan Smith

Private Money training

The Art of Private Money training is excellent learning experience, and enjoyable.

Gregory Miner Jones

The software is outstanding. I

The software is outstanding. I have only had it one week but it already gives me confidence that I am head and shoulders above other investors in my market. This is one of the very best decisions I have made to date.

Rodney Rickett
R Rickett inc

My $50 investment that turned into a $45,000 profit!

Four years ago a buddy of mine approached me, he had a friend that was going to lose his home, he was behind 1 payment and wasn't going to be able to make the next one. My buddy wanted me to meet his friend to see if there was something I could do. Fortuneately I had learned how to do Subject-To purchases through real estate training I'd learned from the Rehab Valuator and other types of real estate training and books I've read over the years, so I knew the current Owner my buddy's friend could sign his rights over if we wanted the deal. Long story short, I told my buddy that if the property looked good and he was willing to sign his rights away and we could find a Lessee/Renter prior to closing I'd be interested--a tall order to fill. We met with his friend I told him my stipulations, he had a phone number on a piece of paper he'd written down a week prior to our meeting to someone that said they were interested in leasing the place--but he'd never called them because he didn't want to deal with it. My buddy is really good with talking to people on the phone so he called them right there--we talked over speaker phone for about twenty minutes, they agreed to lease the place out on a few stipulations of their own. We made a tentative agreement with my buddy's friend. A few days later the Lessee's were satisfied with the property, so we signed a PSA with my buddy's friend, we each gave him $50 for him to sign his rights over to us (Quit-claimed the property to us). We leased it out to our Lessee's for four years making on average $250 per month on the property. Last October 2020 they needed to move and we put the property up for sale on a Wednesday in November had 3 offers the next day, 6 offers by that Friday, 2 of which was cash offers, 1 FHA offer went $10,000 above our asking price, one of the Cash offers matched that offer and we went with them. We bought the property for $129,000 (what was owed)+$100, made average $250 after repairs for 48 months, paid the current mortgage down to $113,500 and sold it for $203,500, netting after all expenses, realtor fees (which we talked down to 4%), netting $190,000, for a net profit of $90,000, my buddy and I went into partners on the property since he brought the people and we each split the profit for a $45,000 net each, $10,000 we took as cash the other $35,000 we rolled into a 1031 exchange deal and are currently looking for properties to re-invest in. It's the most profitable deal I've done to date and I've done about 15 deals in the past 8 years.

Dale Willie
Willie Investments LLC


Signed up for premium a month or so ago and I'm sure once I learn how to get around on it I'll love it! My issue is not at all with the software..its going to be to learn all the costs associated with making offers & finance charges throughout the process! I've got a LOT to learn..however..your support team (Rafael)..has already reached out to me and let me know u guys really do care and want to help! That's a huge confidence booster in itself..knowing I dont need to feel stuck! Love all the report packages and cant wait to put it all together and get my 1st property! Thanks for all u guys do and all ur concern!

Larry Willette



joey Lee skinner

Must have for every new rehabor

I wished I had been exposed to a program like this 20 yrs ago. Love the software. Can’t put it down.

Gregory Williams

Great Software

Rehab Valuators is an awesome software product for any real-estate investor, since using this software I've been able to attract more buyers with my presentations. I would definietely recommend this product to anyone looking to scale their business to the next level in terms of presentation and marketing to prospective buyers. For the price this is a great value with tons of education and constant updates. Best value for your business, its worth the investment.

Allyson K

Great tool

I’ve been using Premium for about a year and half now and it’s a great tool. It keeps me on track budget wise and I can see my profits increasing with almost every deal.

Frank Saraceno

Awesome material and presentation

Awesome material and presentation

Andy Yates

Looking for a new direction in my Real Estate Career

As I mentioned above I am wanting to go in a different direction using my knowledge of Real Estate. Spent 15 years in Real Estate Sales with the last year or so exploring the investment world. Knew it would take hard work and further knowledge but couldn't find the right mentor, or classes, most seemed like they were selling a dream but not the knowledge to help you to achieve it. With Daniil Kleyman, Jim Ingersoll and the Inner Circle group I feel like I've found a group of like minded people that are willing to share their experience and help to achieve my goals. I highly recommend!

Karen Haas


I can't thank you enough for demystifying the world of private money and real estate investment funding! THE ART OF PRIVATE MONEY course provides detailed valuable resources on how to LEGALLY obtain real estate capital, and it carefully details the steps for successful equity development. This course is the "real deal" and the abundant case studies and videos combined with the awesome tools in REHAB VALUATOR, simplify the funding process for all investors.


Pam Alexander

Enjoying while learning the software

I'm 1 1/2 years into Real Estate Investing, I'm a Tile contractor for 40 plus years and I'd like to stop installing and focus on REI full time in the very near future. using this software has made me understand the numbers for the financing and percentages and profit margins more clearly, I did a RehabValuator analysis for my lender with pics and rehab budget, comps, cash flow and graphs and I showed it to my Realtor and he was quite impressed, and the videos really help also, Daniil shares a boat load of his knowledge with us. The price for his software is extremely affordable and it does some much

Matthew Eddy

Good relevant info!

Daniil and Jim provide relevant, timely, and accurate information for both the newbie and seasoned professionals. They keep the information digestable by organizing it in a way that you can go directly to what you need, when you need it, as the situation warrants. Well done men!

Gregory Baldy
Drb Real Estate Holdings Llc

I am really enjoying the

I am really enjoying the Inner Circle training. I have learned so much and the statement that "you don't know what you don't know" really rings true! Thanks, Daniil, for creating a program that is affordable, easy to understand, and packed with very valuable content!!

Shelley Washington
DeShel Ventures

Just started training. So far

Just started training. So far am very pleased. Many other programs I have joined bombard me with continuous solicitations for more and more stuff. Gets old fast and keeps me from using the service. This program is a breath of fresh air. Really enjoying the material and how it stays focused on the premise I joined up for. Thanks a bunch. ?

Barney Bickerton


Easy to use and the results are a very professional looking presentation for buyers.

Shane Thomas


Hey all, just wanted to share my success. I bought a 1800sf 3/2/2 with a lease option in August of 2018 (42k), after beginning the rehab process, I then convinced the sellers to deed me the property and take a note for the balance (38k). This kept me from coming out of pocket at closing. The house needed a bunch of work. I pushed to get the sellers cash as quickly as we could, because they were in a bind. I made a bunch of mistakes along the way. One contractor was addicted to something. Another one just left and was never heard from again. I didn’t have the HVAC done nor the landscaping when the bank ordered the appraisal. Even though the appraisal came in much lower than expected 78k, I still managed to get 23k at closing with a 20 yr note at 5.25% . With a projection of 1400/month income with traveling nurses as clients, I’m looking to stack the net cashflow and better position myself for my next rehab project.

Vickie Woodard


Daniil your software program is insane, highly meticulous and crazy detailed. I've seen other softwares but nothing in comparison. There is no way a buyer can pass up such details because everything is in there.

You broke down a lot of terms in business and the training is intense to say the list. as a new investor I need more time to plan, and execute but is not gonna be long anymore. Thank you so much.

Angel Rodriguez

I just wanted to let

I just wanted to let the team know that any and every time I have a problem I can always depend on the Rehab Valuator Technical Support Team. I have been with them for over 6 or more years and I switched computers 3 or more times and each time they helped me with the transition. Thanks Tech Support (Dylan Hampson) and Daniil Kleyman.

Gregory L. Campbell
Campbell's & Associates, llc

This is some seriously good

This is some seriously good software. My hard money guys love the professional looking packages I put together for them. They keep telling me that I have the best looking and easiest to read presentations they have ever seen. And it's all thanks to Rehab Valuator. Thanks so much!

Kenneth Dessinger

Software Presentation

Daniil, this software is awesome! It's easy to use and saves time.

Erric Radecki

An Excerllent Insight into Real Estate Investment Analysis!!!!!

The Rehab Valuator is an incredible Real Estate Investment Analysis Tool which will help anyone in the Real Estate Industry understand how to analyze all kinds of investment opportunities including: Wholesaling, Flix & Flips, Rentals, Multifamily, Commercial,.... You will learn Daniil Kleyman's BRRRR (BUY-REHAB-RENT-REFI-REPEAT) successful formula, as well as, his BBRR (BUY--BUILD--ROLL-OVER--REPEAT) successful formula for developing properties. PATIENCE, PERSISTENCE, PRACTICE, TUTORIAL PREVIEWS,& PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT will be the key ingredients to your long term winning success with Daniil Kleyman and his TEAM. Thank you, Daniil.

Michael F Morrison
Michael Morrison Productions, Inc.

Hello Daniil,I'm using the software

Hello Daniil,

I'm using the software and like it ! my issue is finding funding to close on properties I' m new to investing and don't have a lot of capital and having hard time find lenders that are reasonable to work with!! Any ideas or suggestions is greatly appreciated.

Roy Daaboul

Great Stuff!!

I'm using a Rehabvaluator Proposal I created at a huge national nonprofit JV meeting, and they're already excited about what I've shown them so far!!

Thanks Daniil!!
Anyway we can add the IRS Opportunity Zone Map link directly to the inputs feature ?
Deals are way more attractive when in an OZ.
Thanks again!!

Jonathan Smith

A-Z guide on private money.

This program has been an A-Z course on private money. From understanding what it is, how to use it properly, to structuring each deal. As well as how to properly protect yourself and most importantly your investors. I have used private money before this program but my understanding and knowledge to pass on to my lenders has went up astronomically.

Joseph Whittaker

Great software

I am just starting to use the Rehab Valuator software for training and I like everything that I have seen so far. I believe that this will be a great tool as my wife and I progress in our real estate investment company.

Bruce McKinney

Hi Danill,I don't have any

Hi Danill,
I don't have any deal yet , but the information you are providing are very useful. Please keep sending this type of information , because I'm learning a lot from them. Thanks a lot.

Freedom Real Properties Investments Inc.

Work in progress

Hey Daniil, the software is excellent. I am having issues finding the property owners in my area which is making me focus out of town which takes money out of my pocket because of shared deals, if I had a deal. 3 opportunities, 3 fails. I would really like to find a lender that is willing to assist in starting a newbie in the right tracks with his first fix and flip. Love the software please continue on your progress. Best of hard work and progress to you


Best thing to happen to real estate.

I Love the Rehab Valuator, I was recently buried in work as a production manager, now I'm focusing on real estate full time. I won't be satisfied until I master the rehab Valuator.

Lance Fletcher

Rehavaluator one month later

Hi Daniil. After using your online resources and Rehab Valuator I have place 3 multifamily buildings under contract totaling 58 units. Your website is invaluable. I would like to learn more about your build business model also.

Will keep you posted on my progress.


Clayton Williams

I wish I knew about

I wish I knew about this software 3 years ago. It took a lot of mental planning on our end during our first three rehabs to ensure that we were on the right track and budget . Three years later the tutorials I've been watching just validated that we were spot on with our projects , even with square ft cost of a full gut rehab . Definitely has alot of valuable eye openers , glad to be on board.

Ali Emre Basal
East Tennessee Partnership Corp.

I'm learning the software and looking for off market deals

I'm eager to test out the software strategies as soon as I find off market props, including fill in land with utilities at property or close by. You guys are Rockin' & Rollin' with outstanding Rehabvaluator love it!!!

Ronnie C. Duran
Official Real Estate Investments Ltd., Co.

My Premium Rehab Valuator was SO impressive it got me a New Private Lender !!


I am currently working on a Hurricane Harvey flooded house in Houston, Tx. where I live.
The house had almost 6 FEET of water in it for several weeks.
They rescued the elderly lady who lived there in a boat !!
It was un-reacheable for several weeks until the waters receded, so the mold was running rampant when I purchased it about two months later.

I was able to purchase it well below market with the help of my business partner, who knew the lady.
We did the demo and cleaned all the mold and received our "Clean house" Certificate from a State of Texas environmental inspector.
Two months later, we are about half way through with the rehab now.
All is going well and there have been no surprises.

I wanted to Thank You for my Premium Rehab Valuator software.
It helped me to get a new private lender to fund this project back January 2018.
She looked at the beautiful and organized reports and said "Wow, Now that looks fancy !!"
She loved the professional look of the reports, loved the numbers on the project and she funded the deal.

So a big Thank You !! for just the reports alone !

Edward - EAC Enterprise (Houston)

Risk it for the Biscuit

I first heard of Daniil 3 years ago and I’ve been using his product ever since. Last year I secured and borrowed over $1,000,000 dollars using RehabValuator program. This year we’ve already borrowed over $700,000. I hope we can triple that!

Spencer Shadravh

You are the man

Hi Daniil. I used Rehab Valuator for private funding for the first time and got $91k to fund my deal. Your software has made me money with my wholesale deals. Now, it looks like I will make money on rehabs with it as well. You are helping a ton of people...Keep doing what you are doing. You are the man.

Tim Rogers
3 Rogers Investment Group

Already locked up a deal

Just bought the updated RehabValuator last night and already locked up a deal today and got it totally funded at 5%. Closing in 10 days. Banks don't even lend in 10 days at 5%. Boom BABY!!! Thanks Daniil Kleyman.

Spencer Shadrach

Thank you Rehab Valuator

Picked up our 3rd property using Rehab Valuator today!!! Found the property yesterday, prepared our report, sent it to our lender, put the property under contract and secured financing in less then 24 hours!!! Thank you Rehab Valuator, Daniil Kleyman and all of the other users for all of the information, advice and support!!!

Melinda Koss Brennan

This program has saved me on deals

This program has saved me on deals. Before I approach an investor for funds, I know whether it's a deal or not. I'm not wasting both of our time. That confidence, going in, has my investors looking for my deal.

Mark Hammer

This software is totally BADASS

Just met with a buddy about a rehab I'm picking up in philly. Came well prepped with a rehab presentation from the rehab valuator. Presented everything to him and long story short he's funding my project, and wants me to pick up 10-20 rehab projects as he's looking to put his money to work. He's giving me access to upwards of 700k to get projects so he can make good ROI. Only thing now is for me to perfect the usage of the rehab valuator as far as plotting the numbers and making everything work. This software is totally BADASS

Marc Cesar

Everyone should have it

The rehab valuator has saved me from countless bad deals. I was lookign at a property where the numbers I was given seemed a bit off, so I ran it through the valuator and it came back at like 90% of ARV. This system is great and everyone should have it! It really is a must in today's world of shady business! It's easy to use, simple, and effective! I won't look at anything without running it through now! Thanks!

Jon Spindel

RehabValuator is fantastic

I'm not affiliated with Daniil but can say hands down the cloud-based rehabValuator is fantastic. Everytime I create a funding packet for a new lender, they are blown away but how professional the presentation is and the complete financial perspective given. The cloud version keeps everything in one place and you can create a copy to play with different scenarios to see outcomes.

Jared Kluver

Just what he wanted to see

I have a private lender with whom I've been trying to work for teh last 8-9 months. He's always waffled on the deals I sent him, but the last three deals ($75k, $102k and $126k) he grabbed immediately. He said that my presentation was just what he wanted to see. ... Now, I'm using it for all my deals and working with three more private money lenders. It's a great package for the beginning Real Estate Investor and a fine tool for the pros.

Jack McClure
Oak Grove Investing, LLC

I looked like an expert

I showcased this information to y first private money lender and he committed to do two deals immediately. I looked like an expert on my first pitch. After playing with this info I have gain momentum and since gotten two other private lenders. Where I was lacking in skillset for presentation, I can be more happy about the rehab valuation software allowing me to look professional and confident

Gary Wilson

We love the rehabvaluator!!

Just wanted to let you know that we secured 100% funding for an awesome development project we have been working on using your product. The lender is a major private lender in our area and works with a lot of investors I know. He said 'I wished all of the borrowers would approach me with a professional presentation like this' and complimented me on how organized everything was and he didn't have to go back and run numbers himself.

Curtis Wade
Ikon Homes, LLC

Makes us look like an authority

Using Rehab Valuator to get reports to clients makes us look like an authority. It raises our integrity and gives us confidence to do deals we would never have dreamed of doing before. Thanks Daniil. You are awesome!!!!!

Cheryl Nelson

Just wanted to say thank you

Just wanted to say thank my first deal...its amazing when you finally get a lender saying yes...we will fund 100% of your deal...(rookie) rehabbing...

Andrew Mayamba
Medina Realty

Awesome software

Awesome software.... Just raised another 200k with it!!

Akeem Seriki
ABS Worldwide, Inc